Yuzu Ponzu

I want to share this yuzu ponzu recipe with you after making some to have with some yummy dumplings. Yuzu is a Japanese fruit with distinctive and tart flavour similar to grapefruit. It’s started to gain a lot of popularity in the UK over the past couple of years and you can buy small bottles of yuzu juice in a lot of larger supermarkets.yuzu_ponzu_dipping_sauce

Ponzu is a light, citrussy, soy-based sauce that tastes delicious and is really versatile. Aside from being a fantastic dipping sauce for gyoza, salmon sashimi, tuna tatake or even cold soba noodles, ponzu is great drizzled over crunchy salads with a drop of sesame oil. I like to add a small amount of kecap manis which is a thicker, sweeter Indonesian soy sauce (also now available in a lot of larger supermarkets).

Ingredients and method

Makes about 1 cup

Mix together:

  • 2 tbsp yuzu juice
  • 3½ tbsp soy sauce
  • 3½ tbsp mirin
  • 2½ tbsp rice vinegar
  • ½ tbsp kecap manis (optional)

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